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The Condensed Blessings Guidebook - Wrote By Zion

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The Condensed Blessings Guidebook - Wrote By Zion Empty The Condensed Blessings Guidebook - Wrote By Zion

Post  L0BSTER Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:37 pm

Greetings ‘Immortal Ones”!
As a preference thanks goes out to Barrance and Icepick for the previous entries on this topic. This is a condensed reference guide on how to prepare and conduct a Blessing Session for the 12DS community.

Step 1 – Am I ready?
Before considering a Blessing Session, check the XP amount that you currently have on the character you wish to use, being that a set of 10 blessing rods can set you back 100k XP before you even get started! Most toons that do blessings purchase between 50 to 100 rods for maximum benefits to the blesser and blessee. So, a toon with 1.5 mil or greater XP is a good starting point or if you have multiple toons with high XP amounts consider purchasing the rods with 1 toon and transferring them to another to actually use. (Blessing Rods are droppable)

Step 2 – Purchase and Preparation
To purchase the rods, you must travel to the second level of Decay in UW. There, at the end of the dungeon, you will find the statue to the right side where you can purchase rods in the following denominations:
- 1 Blessing Rod Cost – 10k XP
- 5 Blessing Rods Cost – 50K XP
- 10 Blessing Rods Cost – 100k XP

NOTE** - This takes away from your XP count so remember that when you start your session!

As for additional prep, some more experienced players place rods in Bags of holding to make space for more or create additional space in their inventory for ‘soul candy’ (more on that later!) other than that ensure your inventory is as cleaned up and minimized as possible. Lastly ensure you have some GP on the blessing toon. This gives XP and GP to the blessee.

This is a very important step. If you have access to the Discord app, take a moment to “shout” to @here or @everyone; that you will be conducting a blessing session at a particular time (5 min, 20 min etc.). That will give players time to get a toon to the Blessing Garden for the event. Remember, the more people that show up, the more candy for you!!! If you do not have access to Discord (and why don’t you in the first place) you can ask another player or a DM to make the announcement for you.

Step 4 – Head on over to the Blessing Garden and pick your spot
If they’re new players most will let them know where the garden is (The Temple of Saw Orroyo, the portal on the left side when entering the temple). YOU however, will enter the garden and enter the portal on the left hand side of the mountain.

NOTE – It will NOT let you enter without a blessing rod in your inventory.
Once on the mountain-top you will see a hut that does nothing, lol. But you will also see a column that says “Soul Candy Holder”. IMPORTANT ITEM!

You can use the blessing rods anywhere on the mountain, but for showmanship most go to the edge of the area next to the statue of the Late Honourable Gary Gygax to issue the blessings and for everyone to see who is giving the free goodies.

By this time you’re hoping for a fair amount of people to show up (trust me if you make the announcement they are coming). You can give a count down to let everyone know you’re about to start.

Step 5 – Candy Candy Candy!!
Now…….depending on how many people came every rod you use will give the lowly peasants XP and GP (FROM YOU SO WATCH YOUR XP AS YOU GO!!) Remember, 780000 is the maximum level (40) so if you lose more than that, YOU WILL DELEVEL YOURSELF!!!

But you will start to receive Soul Candy. At this point keep an eye on:

1. The accumulation of candy in your inventory. Once it starts to get full, go to the Soul Candy Holder and “Store” your haul. It will clear your inventory of candy (and keep count) and give you your room back to continue using rods. Not paying attention will cause you to spend extra time picking up candy from the ground (very tedious because they fall on top of each other)

2. YOUR XP - COUNT! – As stated earlier, using blessing rods gives the other toons XP and GP from you. If you start to get close to 780000 you may want to consider stopping.

Step 6 – Reaping the rewards!
So where is all my candy gone to? Once the blessing session is complete, return to the temple and pay a visit to the Celestial Gate Keeper. On the left side you will see the Candy Soul Collector.

This gentleman will tell you:
- How many pieces of candy you’ve turned in!!
- The amount of items you can buy
- Wishes – 50 Pieces of Candy
- Greater Wishes- 250 Pieces of Candy
- A Drake-Soul Summons – 1000 Pieces of Candy “For Casters who can take the Feat Epic Dragon”

So given the amount of candy you collected, given you followed the steps in making sure you invite a lot of people, will be very beneficial to items you can use for releveling, adding stat points to make your toon stronger (potentially maxxing all stats out!) or getting a nice summons for yourself!

Happy Blessings!

Wrote by Zee Swinger Zion

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Join date : 2017-02-23


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