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Village of Doth and the hunt for Crypt Keys

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Village of Doth and the hunt for Crypt Keys Empty Village of Doth and the hunt for Crypt Keys

Post  Brokk Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:20 pm

A new face has arrived in The City With A Name, she doesnt seem to have a name either, but she is apparently a refuge from some hamlet named Doth.  This poor woman paces back and forth close to the east gate within the city.  I figured I should go converse with this poor wretch due to the main fact that I have not heard of Doth, and my search for magical focals lead me to believe I have been everywhere.  She proceeds to whine about some plaque or curse that has killed her poor beloved George, and the Undead seem to have taken over the town and she simply wants to lay a flower at his grave.  Well I can do that, I am going to inspect this town anyways and see if I can find any magic there, so I accept her request and receive the flower. She proceeds to tell me that Doth is not far beyond the south gate of the city, " How have I not run into this place already" was my first thought.

I proceed south out of the city and walk up the path a little ways and notice a new fresh clearing in the trees, "This must be the place" I think to myself, and enter into the clearing known as Doth.

Well at first I am greeted by some fresh walking corpses hell bent on eating my brains, and some damn rotting little kids chucking rocks at me. They are quite weak, I am sure a lvl 4 or 5 adventurer could handle these, so I dispatch all I can find, and proceed to some of the buildings around the perimiter of the town, the freshly risen dead in the building seem a tad stronger, but not by alot, yet still no magic onbects to be found, but I do sense some sinister magic afoot.

I head for the large church in the center of town, and notice a small graveyard, I find the tombstone inscribed with Beloved George, I assume this has to be the one, and I place the by now half wilted flower on the grave. almost instant a skeletal hand comes up out of the ground and grabs to flower, in a burst of dirt and rocks a putrid vile beast, must be George himself, burst out of the ground and starts attacking me,  he is quite easily dispatched, even with his initial show of force, I expected him to be more difficult, in fact there are still rocks flying up into the air. upon examining his body, I find a neatly folded letter, it appears it was witten by the priest of this church who is hiding behind a secret door inside and is in desperate need of help. well into the church I go.

The church itself is a fairly simple layout, seems the undead have taken over the church as well, they are once again slightly harder, but I am sure an adventurer around lvl 10 can handle them. The letter says secret passage, hmmm guess I need to go slow and "search" everywhere very close, that priest must be here somewhere.  After making my way down a few halls and a couple turns I finally find this secret door, was very hard to spot, and I enter a room that has a withered old man.

This priest seems very concerned, He has lost contact with the mountain monastary and in light what has been going on, fears their investigation into what this plague might be, may have stirred up a heap of trouble, and of course, wants me to go see what has happened.

There is a path to the monestary on the south end of town, and it leads to this massive long path up a mountain, well monastaries love to be at the top of mountains for some reaso, so lets do this.  There seems to be some infected animals along that way, I guess maybe about lvl 15 ish, so not too bad, but they do have a surprise attack or 2 on them. I finally reach the top of the mountain, and Use they key the priest gave me to enter into the building.

Of course all the clergy inside have been turned.  I work my way around, this place seems more like a prison than a monestary, I find in some of the rooms is is an agent of the Elderkin who was once in chains, is now free, after making their HP's drop below zero, I find each one of them carry a specific fragment of a gem. now why would they keep a broken gem, think I will hang onto this. there seems to be four Elderkin agents in here, each with a different fragment.

in the very center of the building is is another priest, he explains to me that they indeed keep Elderkin agents imprisoned here, and the Elderking were up to something sinister when this plague started.
It Appears a vile Elderkin necromancer has set-up shop in the crypts below the church, and has been raising an undead army, and once complete plans to lay waste to The City With a Name, he must be stopped, the only trouble is the Agents have stolen the key to the Crypt and crushed it into pieces. I show the fragments I have found, and he tells my I have to reforge them back to whole gems, and take them back to the priest in the village, he alone knows how to repair they key. The forge in loadstone mines has the power to reforge them gems, I wonder how many fragments the forge will need ( hint, it is the loadstone forge ).. be sure to lay out the fragments individually for proper fusion.

After visiting the forge, I return to the priest in Doth, and he takes the reconstituted gems from me and fashions an amulet, which I am led to beleive, acts as a key if you have all the Elderkin metal items (keys), and have uncovered all the 12 dark secrets, which will allow you entry into the Crypt of the Fallen.



Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-10-25

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Village of Doth and the hunt for Crypt Keys Empty Re: Village of Doth and the hunt for Crypt Keys

Post  L0BSTER Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:28 pm

Fantastic Book Treebits.

This will come in great need of help for some players..

you shall receive a publish contract soon


Posts : 427
Join date : 2017-02-23


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